Excited to announce several new calligraphy workshops. Email me at hellosuzylee@gmail.com or go to the Contact page more information or to register!
November 19th from 11am-1pm and 2-4pm at Artist Craftsman Supply in Hillcrest. $85 Registration including refreshments and supplies. RSVP by emailing hellosuzylee@gmail.com. For Beginners.
December 6th from 7-9pm and December 10th from 11am-1pm at Urban Outfitters' Space Ninety 8 in Williamsburg. $65 Registration including refreshments and supplies. RSVP by emailing hellosuzylee@gmail.com. For Beginners.
December 17th from 1-3PM at Urban Outfitters' Space 15 Twenty in Hollywood. RSVP by emailing hellosuzylee@gmail.com. For Beginners.